
Price Match Guarantee

We believe in servicing our customers at whatever the cost may be. Your time is valuable and we want show you how much we want to help you. Shopping experiences are different at each store you visit but with our store, we promise to provide you with exceptional customer service, superior quality products and unbeatable prices.

If you see a product on our site that is being sold somewhere else in store or on the web, we will be more than happy to take a look and verify the legitimacy of the price seen and if all checks out, you will get the price honored right here on our site.

We don't want you to leave us for a few dollars, since you are far more valuable to us than that! You should know our biggest assets are our happy customers and we want to continue gaining happy customers even at an expense!

Please call or email us for more information regarding price matching and we will review your request within 2 business days to get you all taken care of!

Thanks for shopping with us and have a great day!